Christos Katsavrias


Professional Experience

Dr. Christos Katsavrias is a space physicist and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Athens. He received his PhD from the University of Athens in February 2019, working, under the supervision of Professor Daglis, on the variability of the electron population in the outer radiation belt. His primary interest lies in the dynamics of energetic particles in planetary magnetospheres and especially on the variability of relativistic electrons in the outer Van Allen radiation belt and its relation to wave-particle interactions. He has worked as a research associate for several research projects, including the ESA HERMES and VALIRENE projects, the Hellenic National Space Weather Research Network and the FP7-Space MAARBLE project. He has uninterrupted participation in scientific conferences since 2011 and publications in peer-reviewed journals (more than 400 citations and h-index = 12 according to Google Scholar). Since February 2019, he serves as the Early Career Officer of the Southeast Europe Hub of Europlanet Society.

See full CV here.

Research Interests

His interests lie in the field of magnetospheric physics and space weather with emphasis in energetic particles in the Van Allen radiation belts, wave-particle interactions and time-series analysis using wavelet-based methods.


National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Zografos, Greece.

  • 0030 210 727 6855

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